
Rödl & Partner training. “Fiscal Year Close”

We are pleased to announce that our Resident, Rödl & Partner, is organizing a training course entitled “Closing the year” on 14 December at Olivia Sky Club.

The end of the year is an extremely intense time for entrepreneurs. Companies are preparing m.in. until the close of the financial year. It is an intensive process stretched over time, which consists of a number of elements. The company’s main tasks include:

  • carrying out an inventory,
  • determination of the amount of necessary write-offs and provisions,
  • valuation of individual assets and liabilities,
  • preparation of financial statements.

During the training, the deadlines and problematic accounting and tax issues related to the closing of the tax year will be discussed.


Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska, Statutory Auditor, Associate Partner
A graduate of economics at the University of Gdańsk. In 2003 she became a member of ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). From 2009 to 2015, she was an inspector of the Polish National Council of Statutory Auditors. She has been with Rödl & Partner since 2001. Małgorzata Guzińska-Błońska is the Head of the Audit Department in the Gdańsk office, where she audits separate and consolidated financial statements (including public companies), transforms financial statements prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Act into IFRS/IAS, US GAAP or in accordance with the German Balance Sheet Law (HGB). She specializes in consolidated financial statements.

Monika Spotowska, attorney-at-law, tax advisor
Attorney-at-law, tax advisor, graduate of the Faculty of Legal Sciences at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) and the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. A graduate of postgraduate studies in “International Tax Strategies” at the Warsaw School of Economics. He specialises in issues related to double taxation treaties, income taxes and social insurance, with particular emphasis on the issue of cross-border employment of employees and optimisation of tax burdens. She is also interested in issues related to investments in Special Economic Zones. Co-author of books entitled “Work of foreigners in Poland”, “Functioning of enterprises in a special economic zone” and “Clause against tax avoidance”. Author of many publications on legal and tax issues.

The meeting will take place on
14 December 2016
Olivia Sky Club.

The cost of participation is: PLN 200 + 23% VAT per person. For clients of Rödl & Partner, members of AHK, SPCC, “Employers of Pomerania” and the Kashubian Employers’ Association, as well as residents of OBC, the cost of participation is PLN 100 + 23% VAT.

Applications can be sent by e-mail until December 9 to the following address: marta.sikorska-kierst@roedl.pro

In order to participate, it is necessary to receive an e-mail confirmation of the registration of the participant.


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