
Olivia Business Centre is a partner of the Pomeranian Economic Griffin – Pomeranian leaders of entrepreneurship will compete for the award

The competition for the Pomeranian Economic Griffin Award has been organized since 2000. Olivia Business Centre is a partner of this year’s edition of the event, encouraging entrepreneurs to participate in this noble competition. The Griffin statuette is awarded by theeconomic self-government and the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Gryf promotes entrepreneurship and economic activity of enterprises in the region. The winners are presented as companies that have a special impact on the economic development of the province – they are recommended for nationwide awards and distinctions. The competition involves entrepreneurs in cooperation with local government units, initiating positive competition and promoting a favourable economic image of the province.

Companies can compete in four categories:

  • Micro-enterprise – employing less than 10 employees,
  • Small business – employing from 10 to 49 employees,
  • Medium-sized enterprise – employing from 50 to 249 employees,
  • Large enterprise – employing more than 250 employees.

The winners of the competition will receive the statuette of the Pomeranian Award Economic Griffin 2017. The Jury also awards distinctions in each competition category. Both the winners and the awarded companies have the right to use the logo and the designation: Laureate/Distinction of the Pomeranian Award Competition Economic Griffin 2017. The media and institutions patronizing the competition award one of the finalists with an honorary statuette of the Pomeranian Media Griffin Award.

The Jury has the right to choose from among 3 companies indicated by the competition committee that will receive a special statuette of the Pomeranian Economic Griffin Award 2017 in the following categories:

  • Gryf Innovative Company 2017 – the m.in are evaluated. innovative solutions implemented in the company, in particular developed in cooperation with scientific and research units. One of the criteria for awarding the special prize will be activities increasing the scale of cooperation between employees of innovative enterprises and research teams, where the aim is to commercialize research results by introducing a new product/service to the market;
  • Gryf of Social Responsibility 2017 for the project (undertaking) implemented in the Pomeranian Voivodeship in 2016. The aim of the category is to promote a socially responsible approach to business activity by distinguishing companies that have a positive impact on the quality of life in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Activities carried out in the areas of human and intellectual capital management in the company, environmental protection, development of local communities and ethical practices in business are evaluated.

Participation and Contest Entries

Companies can apply to participate in the competition directly or indirectly – through business organisations. Companies must have their registered office in the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Participants of the competition are obliged to declare that they are not in arrears in the payment of taxes and mandatory social security contributions, as well as to provide a copy of the company’s registration document.

The deadline for submissions is April 10, 2017. (the date of the postmark counts):

  • in electronic form (scans of documents) to the e-mail address: PRP@pomorskie.eu
  • in paper form to the Secretariat of the Pomeranian Enterprise Council
  • in person: at the headquarters of the Department of Economic Development of the Marshal’s Office, at 1-7 Długi Targ (secretariat, third floor, room 48),
  • or by post to the following address:
    Marshal’s Office of the Pomeranian Voivodeship
    Department of Economic Development
    hive. Okopowa 21/27
    80-810 Gdansk


Pomeranian Economic Griffin

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