
The Metropolitan Area consults a strategy

Social consultations of 2030 Strategy have begun on 24th August at Olivia Business Centre and will last until the end of September this year. The consultations are carried out online and are supported by the online strategic game „Us in 2030”. Moreover, consulting and information meetings will be held in each administrative district of the Gdansk-Gdynia-Sopot Metropolitan Area. The consultations were initiated with an opening sitting of the Programme Board G-G-SMA, which was inaugurated by Powel Adamowicz, the President of Gdansk. Mieczysław Struk, the Marshal of the Pomerania province, became the Chairman of the Board.

The Programme Board G-G-SMA will supervise the execution of 2030 Strategy and will consist of the representatives of the metropolis’ biggest public institutions of higher education, non-governmental organisations, self-government authorities, business and media.

Gdansk – Gdynia – Sopot MA development vision

In compliance with the vision proposed in the draft document, G-G-S MA is going to be an innovative, balanced and competitory 21st century metropolis in 2030. The goal of 2030 Strategy is to create mechanisms which should strengthen the coordination of actions, inter-sector cooperation and acquisition of compromise solutions for a better development of each of MA’s partners.

Thanks to the cooperation of involved partners, the Metropolitan Area will have become by 2030, inter alia :

  1. Third economic centre on a scale of the country,
  2. An area inhabited by 1.5 million people,
  3. An attractive metropolis for visitors, including foreigners,
  4. A metropolis with a coordinated spatial planning system,
  5. A national leader in the scope of mobile activity employment and multimodal solutions application,
  6. The biggest Baltic port complex and logistics hub,
  7. The biggest Baltic leisure and tourism centre,
  8. The biggest place for social dialogue in Poland.

 Strategic goals and cooperation areas

The Strategy sets out three main strategic goals and each of them includes priority cooperation areas.

The first strategic goal is social development, which entails education and widely understood residents’ affairs. To the topical goals belong: development and improvement of education, support for families and reduction of migration outflow, improvement of public service accessibility and quality.

The next strategic goal is the creation of an innovative and active economy. The actions which this goal entails are promotion, investments, innovations and entrepreneurship. This task is to be executed through the support of the metropolitan job market, the development of tourism and leisure sectors, and the support of local enterprises on a global market.

The last strategic goal „balanced space” entails the development of transport, the coordination of spatial planning and environmental protection through improving the management of public transport, creating industry and service zones, the development of the renewable energy sector and the enhancement of energetic effectiveness.

MA 2030 Strategy for residents

The document of 2030 Strategy will be available at the www.metropoliagdansk.pl website, through which you may send your comments. A strategic game is available at the http://myw2030.metropoliagdansk.pl website, thanks to which one may become acquainted with metropolis management mechanisms and indicate directions for its development.


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