
Olivia Six is ready!

Olivia Six, a new building of the Olivia Business Centre complex in Gdansk, was handed over for usage. Olivia Business Centre is currently the scond biggest business and office centre in Poland.

Olivia Six maj 2015-bdOlivia Six, a new building of the Olivia Business Centre complex in Gdansk, was handed over for usage. Olivia Business Centre is currently the scond biggest business and office centre in Poland.

Olivia Six is the fifth stage of the centre’s construction. The name comes from the final arrangement of office blocks. The building expanded the leaseable space at Olivia Business Centre to approximately 73,000 square metres. The office block was designed in such a a way as to reduce the maintenance costs incurred by tenants. On three underground floors one may find a parking lot, and on the ground floor a commercial and service space was planned.

Olivia Six is the highest building of the centre. It is architectonically different from other office blocks that are part of the centre. Thanks to the appropriately-designed illumination, the facade of the building will be lightened 24/7 and on national holidays the building willl be illuminated with white and red colours. In the hall of Olivia Six one can see, inter alia, a big chessboard.

The construction of Olivia Six started in February 2014. The building was designed by the BJK Architekci architectural office. The building shell stage was carried out by the Pekabex company.

„We admire everyone, who in record time built this office block. It was a difficult work, also in difficult weather conditions. I can say with joy that no dangerous situations occurred during the construction of Olivia Six,” says Jerzy Oskroba, the Director of Olivia Business Centre.

Lease agreements with several companies have already been signed. The German concern ThyssenKrupp will launch a Centre of Shared Services in June this year. This Centre will employ even 700 people. It will occupy four floors in Olivia Six, from eighth to eleventh.

„Buildings are important, but talents are more valuable. There are many talents in our region, which is a big asset for investors. Together with instituions of higher education and city authorities we strive to make our city the best place for working and living. We create in Gdansk a unique project in Poland, a business district situated in the very heart of the Metropolis,” says Maciej Grabski, the President of Olivia Business Centre.

OBC maj 20150-bdOlivia Business Centre has been systematically expanding since 2010. The buildings are constructed at the rate of one per year. The building permits for the construction of the next two office blocks have already been issued. What is more, a winter garden is currently being built on the patio.

An economic life of the Gdansk metropolis is concentrated at OBC. Aside from the most modern offices, one may also find at Olivia Business Centre, inter alia: 3 conference centres, a business incubator with instant offices, a kindergarten, a medical center, a pharmacy, a restaurant, a café. a hair and beauty salon, a newsagent, an ATM machine, a notary, an outlet of „Energa”, a point for loading electrical cars. The centre has also a big number of parking places, including those free of charge, and cloakrooms for cyclists. Cultural and social events are also held here. The Residents of OBC take part in inter-company sports leagues.



Olivia Business Centre in Gdansk-Oliwa is situated in the city centre, at the Grunwaldzka alley – the main road connecting the whole Tricity. The buildings that have been finished so far: Olivia Gate, Olivia Point & Olivia Tower as well as Olivia Four are surrounded by an internal patio — a square with greenery and fountains, which is a perfect place for establishing business and social contacts.

Olivia Six: technical information
•    Building class: AA
•    Leaseable space: 17,366 square metres
•    The beginning of the construction: February 2014
•    The completion of the construction: May 2015
•    The number of above ground floors: 15 + one technical floor
•    The number of underground floors: 3
•    The space of a typical floor: 1200 square metres
•    The number of parking places: 264
•    The factor of common building space: 1.25%

In Olivia Six conveniences such as the following were installed: admission control, air-conditioning, openable windows, electrical and computer cable wirings, smoke and warmth detectors, raised floors, dropped ceilings, fitted carpets, optical fibers, partition walls.


Recepcja Olivia Six

OBC iluminacja 2-3 maja

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