
Changes in transfer pricing 2016 and 2017

The subject matter of this training covers Polish taxpayers who belong to international groups, and follows from the recently amended income tax acts and new OECD transfer pricing guidelines. According to the new regulations, the management board will be obliged to file a statement with the tax office saying that all previous and new obligations have been fulfilled. We believe that the shareholders should be aware of the amendments and changes in advance so that the IT systems and the document workflow in the group can be adjusted to the new reporting obligations.

The meeting will be held in the Polish language on 29.02.2016 in the Rödl & Partner office at 
al. Grunwaldzka 472 (Olivia Gate B, 3rd floor) in Gdansk.

The participation fee is PLN 200 + 23% VAT per person / PLN 100 + 23% VAT per person.

Registration till 24.02.2016 via e-mail marta.sikorska@roedl.pro.

Please note that the number of participants is limited and you are not registered until you receive
an e-mail confirmation.

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