Of course, we are not afraid of winds and storms, but… we move Summer to the Patio from the patio to the lobby of Olivia Star

Since tomorrow it is supposed to thunder, rain, rain and pour, we invite you to come under the roof. We are open from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The program remains the same (well, maybe it will be a bit more acoustic)
In a moment, on Thursday, August 19, another unforgettable Summer on the Patio! This time we focus on complete relaxation!
- positive emotions,
- good live music,
- great fun,
- nice chillout vibe:)
- ice cream (for those who have the My Olivia app… FOR FREE!)
We guarantee a lot of attractions! Who are we seeing? A short plan below.
- We start at 11:00 a.m. (there’s nothing like eating a delicious ice cream on a comfortable deckchair, with good music in the background).
- A large portion of artisanal ice cream is 4 zloty.
- To get an ice cream for free (!!) just show at the stand that you are the lucky owner of the MY OLIVIA app ( you can download it here: DOWNLOAD FROM APP STORE; DOWNLOAD FROM GOOGLE PLAY).
- Magda Gabriel and Patryk Listewnik as well as Filip Fiebiger will play continuously
- We finish at 14:00.