
We support the collection of laptops for students

As schools remain closed, remote learning is becoming crucial. These, in turn, are inextricably linked with students’ access to the Internet and computers. According to the official statistics of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) for 2018, nearly 20 per cent of the population of the EU is in the EU. of households in Poland do not have access to these basic educational tools. This gives rise to justified concerns about the digital exclusion of the youngest. Teachers with dozens to hundreds of students under their care have decided to hand in homework via e-mail or by sharing task updates in an electronic journal in the current situation. This is the most efficient and effective way to reach the majority of students. However, it is important to be aware that students Those who do not have access to a computer or the Internet will have much more difficult access to education in the coming weeks. The situation could get even worse if this situation persists for many more weeks.

Resident employees of Olivia Business Centre focused
in the OBC Social Activist group
reacted very quickly. They appealed to Tri-City entrepreneurs to donate used computers as part of the Laptops for Students campaign. The mission of supporting and promoting the campaign was also undertaken by Olivia Business Centre, which helped to promote the initiative among companies based in Olivia Business Centre and befriended institutions. In addition, on one of the portals under the slogan #LaptopyDlaUczniów OBC Social Activists have created a public fundraiser in which money is collected for the purchase of laptops. The computers will first be delivered to Primary School No. 35 in Oliwa, and then to other institutions in Gdańsk.

– As in every school, we also have children who need computers to be able to participate in lessons despite changes in the teaching system. – says Małgorzata Skwira, headmaster of Primary School No. 35 in Gdańsk Oliwa. – Support from entrepreneurs may prove invaluable during the period of remote learning requirement, which is why we appeal to you to get involved in the campaign and donate computers for children in need.

Volunteers to support the project appeared just a few hours after its launch. The company was the first to respond to the appeal of the Oliwa community Deltamarin Ltd. Ltd., which donated 12 desktop computers, as well as Thyssenkrupp and the Energa Group.

We are checking the technical condition of the equipment, but we can already declare that we will provide students with ready-to-work sets along with the MS Office suite . – says Jadwiga Sztelwander-Zięba, General Manager of Deltamarin Sp. The technical settings of the computers for the school and the retrofitting of components needed to work with WiFi were offered by the owner of the ITAN company, Mr. Andrzej Polski.

Support for the Laptops for Students initiative is part of the #RazemMożemyWiecej campaign carried out by Oliwia Business Centre for the local community. As part of it, projects are carried out to help doctors and local entrepreneurs, support education, as well as volunteer work for seniors and people in need. Olivia has also initiated a #PokazSerce campaign, in which every day at 9.00 p.m. on the Olivia Star building, a red heart is displayed as a gesture of gratitude to all those who join in helping during the COVID-19 pandemic and an appeal for the unity of Gdańsk residents in this difficult time.

Want to know more about the stock? Do you have equipment to donate? Would your company like to help? Write to Magda from the Communication Department: magdalena.piskorska@oliviacentre.com






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