
The conference GET.NET for the 6th time

On October 15, 2016, the largest conference will be held in Gdansk again. NETowa in Northern Poland – GET.NET. The program will include 11 speeches by well-known and respected experts from around the world. The keynote speaker of the event will be a special guest from the United States – Mathias Brandewinder. We invite you to Amber Expo – it will be the 6th edition!

GET.NET is a cyclical programming conference that is organized twice a year in Łódź and Gdańsk on the initiative of Sii. So far, more than 1500 participants have had the opportunity to take part in the events of the GET.NET series. This group is growing steadily from year to year, and the conference itself is becoming more and more popular in the IT environment in Poland and Central Europe. InThere are well-known and respected .NET experts such as Udi Dahan, Oren Eini, Iris Classon, and Maurice de Beijer. The audience consists of experienced programmers, testers, project managers, as well as IT students and all enthusiasts of new technologies.

In the upcoming edition, the star of the GET.NET will undoubtedly be Mathias Brandewinder from the USA – author of many books, F# authority. In addition, the participants will take part in English-language speeches by Glenn Henriksen from Norway and Sebastien Lambl from the United Kingdom. In addition, speakers from Polish will provide participants with a solid dose of technical knowledge. On stage, presentations will be given by such Polish stars as: Tomasz Kopacz, Michał Smereczyński, Grzegorz Rycaj, Sławomir Sobótka, Tomasz Onyszko, Szymon Kulec, Szymon Komorowski, and Piotr Kątny.

You can sign up for the conferences and register on the website. The number of places is limited.

Detailed program of the conference.


We cordially invite you!

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