
“Pomeranian Export Broker” Conference – support for export development for companies

We would like to invite Pomeranian entrepreneurs to participate in the conference inaugurating the “Pomeranian Export Broker” project, which will take place on 12 October 2016. in the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park in Gdynia, at 09:00-14:30.

The aim of the conference is to present to companies from the SME sector the possibility of obtaining support for the development of export activities as part of the “Pomeranian Export Broker” project implemented by the Pomerania Development Agency in cooperation with partners: the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Free Enterprise Association (Regional Branch in Gdańsk), the STARTER Incubator, INVESTGDA and the Pomeranian Science and Technology Park. The invited experts will also share their knowledge on current trends and directions of export development.

The conference will begin with a speech by the Chief Economist of COFACE – Grzegorz Sielewicz. The lecture will refer to the subject of trends and prospects for the development of major world economies. The analysis of the key export directions of Polish companies, taking into account the specificity and potential of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, will be continued by Dionizy Smoleń, Director of PWC Poland, while the issues of internationalization in the development of companies and the region will be discussed by Krzysztof Burkot, also from PwC Poland. A block devoted to information and knowledge about The event will end with a discussion panel, in which five representatives of Pomeranian companies will share their experiences in starting and running export activities and acquiring contractors. The panel will be moderated by business journalist Piotr Świąc.

In the second part of the conference, a presentation of the “Pomeranian Export Broker” project is planned – a comprehensive system of support for the international expansion of Pomeranian companies. Representatives of regional business environment institutions will present the services and assumptions of the project addressed both to companies that have not yet undertaken export activities or are novice exporters, as well as to companies planning to develop their export activities.

More information and application forms are available on the website of the Pomerania Development Agency.

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