
Goyello is the winner of the IT Leaders competition

The award-winning Goyello product uses machine learning technology. This is one of the leading IT trends today. The innovative solution for the insurance, sales and customer service industries is already being used by customers in the UK and Poland.

The IT Leader statuettes were presented on 7 September in Warsaw, on the eve of the 4th IT Leader . edition of the IT Future Expo fair, the organizer of the competition. What is the uniqueness of the product created by Goyello?

– Advanced Risk Management Suite, abbreviated as ARMS, is a self-learning system that doesn’t just collect data and analyze it. ARMS draws conclusions from its analyses, thanks to which it is able to adapt to changing conditions – explains Paweł Paluch, Business Development Manager at Goyello. “It’s a great tool m.in. for advanced risk analysis in banking and insurance. It is also used in sales. It helps to accurately set the price level and facilitates cross- and up-selling activities. It also supports the work of the hotline. By analyzing customer data, it allows consultants to better serve them.

A British company in the insurance industry is already taking advantage of the advantages of ARMS. This year, the product was launched on the Polish market, also in the insurance sector.

The first place in the Business Intelligence category in the IT Leaders competition is a great success for the resident of Olivia Business Centre, which this year celebrates its 10th anniversary.

Goyello is a Polish-Dutch company providing comprehensive IT and consulting solutions for business, created in the Agile methodology. It employs over 100 people in 3 offices, located in the Netherlands, Gdańsk and Koszalin. Olivia Business Centre, Olivia Gate A, is the location of the company’s Gdańsk headquarters. Goyello was one of the first residents of the OBC. The company is a Gold Microsoft Partner. He is also a member of the Pomeranian Employers.


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