
12 paintings: Vedic Art of Jarek Kołodziejski

We would like to invite you to another extraordinary exhibition in the Olivia Star lobby. This time the author of the works is Jarosław Kołodziejski – an employee of Olivia Business Centre, a manager of the construction industry on a daily basis. But with an artistic and psychological flair. Jarek is passionate about photography, sensitive to the beauty of nature and art.  

This is what he says about his works: “Vedic Art is an imprint of the soul on the canvas. It is an art born out of the need of the heart, which is at the same time a method of self-discovery and awakening creative power in all areas of life. It is a garden of creation, where the creative act of painting is a reflection of emotions flowing straight from the heart.”

The creator of Vedic Art is the Swedish artist Curt Källman (1938-2010). This art is said to be intuitive and spontaneous. Vedic Art is a kind of re-education, a return to the source of our possibilities, to the state of joyful creativity, spontaneity and curiosity of a child who has not yet been exposed to prohibitions and orders.

This kind of artistic expression is at the same time a method of development and expansion of consciousness. Intuitive painting does not require any painting preparation from the artist. Vedic Art creates a space for self-discovery. It gives us an insight into what is beautiful in ourselves, it also exposes and tames our dark sides.

AT 19:00.



The words of the founder of VedicArt, Curt Källman, best reflect the idea of this method: “Vedic Art doesn’t teach painting. –No! “Vedic Art reminds you how to paint. Vedic Art remembers how art can be created. Vedic Art is a natural process of creation, which is neither a model nor a reproduction of anything. We paint not what we see, but what we feel.”

So Vedic Art is not about workshop tips, technical exercises, skill assessments, or suggestions on what needs to be improved. Vedic Art is supposed to be a signpost on the way to getting to know oneself, working through blocks, and consequently unleashing one’s creative potential in all areas of life. We are accustomed to using the rational and analytical left hemisphere of the brain. Meanwhile, Vedic Art teaches that it should serve a subservient function to the right, responsible for creativity, imagination and intuition.

We invite you to the Olivia Star lobby from Thursday, October 28th.


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