
We tied the ribbon together!

We would like to thank you that despite the unfavorable weather, over 130 people took part in the Pink Ribbon Run, which we have been supporting for the third year. All this is part of the ‘ First Ones Win‘ campaign, the brainchild of which is Energa’s volunteers from the ORLEN Group. There was a theory of breast examination and practice on special phantoms – guidelines were given by Dr. Wojciech Smyk from the Breast Disease Clinic of the University of Silesia. There were balloons and anti-stress. There were also sweet treats, hot coffee and a souvenir photo.


The launch of the campaign took place on Monday 16 October, just after the European Day Against Breast Cancer, which fell the day before. Despite the strong wind and low temperature, the turnout was good. Nearly 150 people showed up at the appointed time on the patio of the Olivia Centre to show their support for women and men suffering from breast cancer. Among the participants were representatives of many companies residing in Olivia. What makes us happy is that there were many gentlemen at the start. Their share is gradually growing every year, which means that they are more and more aware of the fact that the problem related to the incidence of breast cancer also affects men.


Before the march, children from the White Kitten Non-Public Kindergarten were introduced to the idea of a pink ribbon initiated by Evelyn H. Lauder, one of the leading figures in the Estee Lauder Consortium, who herself struggled with breast cancer.


Buds, phantoms and butterfly wings


The motto of this year’s campaign was “Tie a ribbon with us”, i.e. walk with us on a route whose shape resembles the symbolic pink ribbon that accompanies Pinktober all over the world.


It all started punctually at. 12:00 p.m. from a short speech and a commemorative photo. Afterwards, participants with pink balloons marched along Olivia’s buildings. At the front of the march, apart from the organizers of the action, walked Lucyna Prądzyńska, struggling with breast cancer, who for the third time actively supported the whole project, telling her story of the disease and encouraging people to undergo preventive examinations.


In addition to the march, the participants eagerly approached the tent where employees of the University Clinical Centre, the Pink Butterfly Association and the Association of Future Midwives GUMED taught breast self-examination on several phantoms. It was also possible to seek medical advice and receive a leaflet with instructions on how to get tested and what to do if the disease is suspected. Crowning this educational process with a photo against the background of butterfly wings with the slogan “I’m healthy. I’m examining my breasts.”


The most “pink” participants of the march were awarded. They received unusual BREASTSsoaps, the purchase of which supports the @dotykamwygrywam foundation.


There was no sweet treat, as well as coffee, to which our Resident, Santander Bank Polska, invited us to the Work Cafe in Olivia



The pink ribbon symbol also lit up the façade of Olivia Star on October 16.


Strong support


The initiators of the action are volunteers from Energa SA –
Magdalena Pakmur, Natalia Cebula, Ewa Opiela
Kamila Dymowska.


From the very beginning, the project has been substantively supported by the Pink Butterfly Association and the Breast Disease Center at the University Clinical Center, whose representatives actively participated in the entire project.


The media patrons of the action were
Radio Gdańsk
Tricity pl
. The campaign was financially supported by the
ORLEN Foundation


Fig. Maciej Roszkowski,


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