GFKM: effective project management

Date: 03.04.2023
Time: 09:00
Building: Gate B
1650 zł - for residents
1650 zł - for non-residents


Effective project management is challenging. According to a global study by the Standish Group (2018), only 35% of projects are successful. How to make your project one of them? During the training, we will discuss and practice the key elements of project management that determine its success.

During the training, we will go in teams from the idea for the project to its completion. We will check many practical tools that you will be able to implement in your work the next day.

During the training, I propose my own AgileM® methodology. The approach is logical and practical, as well as easy to understand and implement. AgileM® is a methodology focused on achieving business goals resulting from the implementation of projects. It combines Agile philosophy and methods with TPM (traditional project management) techniques and CCPM (critical chain project management) elements.

One more key issue. The most important thing in project management is common sense!

Are you looking for practical training in project management? Welcome!


For whom?

For Project Managers, project team members and for those who are preparing to run projects.


Training program



  • (Project Life Cycle) AgileM® – key principles of an adaptive approach to project management



  • The process of defining requirements for the project
  • Team task – defining requirements for the project using the MoSCoW method
  • Defining project assumptions: goal, KPIs – project metrics, phases and deliverables, main risks, etc.
  • Team task – saving the Project Charter
  • Kick-off meeting
  • Communication plan



  • Iterative process of planning and implementing activities in project phases (10/80/10 rule)
  • WBS – a logical tool for saving the scope of the project
  • Team task – defining the scope of projects (WBS)
  • RACID – a tool for planning people involved in the implementation of activities
  • Team task – determination of people involved in the implementation of activities (RACID)
  • Estimating the duration of project activities – Planning Poker
  • Team task – estimation of the duration of activities
  • Critical Path Method with elements of the Critical Chain Method – project scheduling method
  • Team task – building a network diagram, building a network diagram (schedule) and setting time buffers
  • Project Buffer Management
  • Gantt chart – schedule visualization
  • KANBAN board – a tool for visualizing work progress
  • Estimating the costs of project activities
  • Risk management process and types of prevention plans
  • Team task – project risk analysis and defining risk prevention plans (Risk Register)
  • Methods of monitoring the progress of work
  • The process of introducing changes to the project – how to manage “throw-ins”?



  • Summary of the project and collection of lessons learned
  • Celebrating success




INDIVIDUAL ACTION PLAN – What techniques/methods/approaches do you want to implement in your work in the next 30 days after the training?


Benefits for participants

After completing the training, its participants:

  • have the knowledge necessary to effectively manage the project,
  • understand the complex nature of the project and what approach to use for a given type of project,
  • know how to effectively use agile and traditional project management techniques and tools,
  • can effectively define the project,
  • are able to apply an iterative/incremental way of planning and implementing a project and effectively monitor the progress of work in the project (receive the products of the project phases, control the progress of work, analyze future changes in the project and react to changes in the project, etc.),
  • know the risk management process in the project,
  • They are able to close the project in a way that ensures that important and useful information is used to prepare and implement future projects.

Training methods

The training is carried out in the form of workshops. Participants are divided into project teams and work in them using project management tools and techniques in a sample project. The results of this work are discussed in the forum. Participants exchange their own experiences of working in projects.

Additional information

  • The training is two-day: April 3-4
  • Training participants receive a complete set of materials
  • Class hours: Day I: 9:00 – 17:00, Day II: 9:00 – 16:00
  • 23% VAT should be added to the price of the training




Max. Number of participants
Jolanta Jagłowska
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