
Safety – love – belonging… That is, what are we looking for in our smartphone? – lecture by Maciej Dębski, PhD

On October 28 (Friday) at 5.00 p.m. in Olivia Sky Club (12th floor of Olivia Tower) there will be a free lecture on phonoholism by Dr. Maciej Dębski. Mr. Maciej will talk about what we are looking for in our smartphones, it will be a short story based on facts.

During the lecture, we will get answers to the following questions:

  • What turns us on, what excites us about mobile devices?
  • How can you tell a phonoholic and what are the effects of being “glued” to a smartphone?
  • Why and how to create rules for the use of digital mobile devices, and what good can come out of it?
  • How to regulate habitual use of a mobile phone or other mobile device?
  • Or maybe a joint detox? How do we function when we are disconnected from the internet and digital devices for a full 72 hours?


The lecture is free of charge, you will be able to purchase additional materials on site for PLN 20. Registration is open until October 26, at events@oliviacentre.com.


DębskiMaciej Dębski, PhD – founder and leader of the Foundation, sociologist of social problems, academic lecturer, social educator, expert in the implementation of scientific research, expert of the Supreme Audit Office, the Commissioner for Human Rights, Founder and President of the DBAM O MÓJ Z@SIĘG Foundation, author/co-author of strategic documents, local programs, originator of nationwide research in the field of phonoholism and the problem of cyberbullying carried out among 22,000 students and 3,500 teachers. In 2016, he implemented the first social experiment in Europe to cut off 100 people from all digital devices (mobile phones, tablets, Internet, online games, Playstation games, television) for 72 hours.

We cordially invite you!

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