WORKSHOP O4: vision-plan-implementation of the project.

Date: 16.03.2023
Time: 16:30
Building: Four
O4 Coworking, Venus rooms, Mars (ground floor)

160 zł - for residents
199 zł - for non-residents

What will you learn during the workshop?


During the first workshop (in a series of 3 workshops), we will introduce you to practical project management tools, but we will also teach you how to mentally prepare for events that often – although unplanned – unexpectedly occur during the implementation of the project.


Despite changing circumstances and a business environment full of challenges and difficulties, the key is constant in the form of the vision of your project. Both you and the team you’re working with need to be absolutely clear about where you’re all going together and what exactly your goal is. Having a clear, clear vision of your goal will make it much easier for you to react to unforeseen changes and threats that have not occurred in your immediate environment so far.



  • How do you make sure your vision is clear and understandable to your colleagues?


  • How do you make your colleagues want to pursue it with the same commitment and enthusiasm as yours?


  • How to plan a project – a schedule – so that its implementation does not scare you, but allows you to enjoy everyday, small achievements?


  • How to focus on the important things and why does planning make the project run smoothly?


For whom?


The workshop is aimed at all people who want to implement their ideas in a thoughtful, coherent and controlled way. To project leaders in which entire teams are involved, but also to people who carry out their personal and professional projects on their own, and are afraid that the everyday project life may overwhelm them.


What will you learn?


  • Only practical application of project management tools, without unnecessary terminology and procedures, which often work only ‘on paper’
  • you will learn a vivid vision of your project that will attract people who want to help you make it a reality and work on it with as much commitment as you do
  • we will show you how detailed planning at a very early stage will effectively make your work easier, which will save you a lot of nerves
  • you will gain tools with which you will be able to track the progress of your project and watch your vision materialize.



Olivia Centre – O4 Coworking
Olivia Four, Venus rooms, Mars (ground floor)




Max. Number of participants
O4 Coworking
Karolina Rymarczyk
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