WORKSHOP O4: presentation of the project with elements of self-presentation

Date: 18.05.2023
Time: 16:30
Building: Four
O4 Coworking
159 zł - for residents
199 zł - for non-residents

We will show you how important the ‘soft’ elements are, such as the ability to observe the upcoming change, cope with a stressful situation or the ability to convey your vision to our environment. So expect from this workshop hard, substantive design knowledge and, equally important, the ability to control your mind and emotions in order to successfully implement all your plans with peace of mind and confidence. The motto of this workshop: You become what you practice.


What will you learn during the workshop?


Imagine stepping onto the stage with unwavering confidence. With naturalness and joy talking about his project. Do you see how the audience’s eyes light up with curiosity and admiration at how nimbly you talk about your project? Few people are really born with natural self-confidence and lightness of familiarity on stage. In fact, the fear of public speaking is a completely natural state. This is often related to how we were programmed at school, when we had to read aloud, for example, and the teacher, instead of supporting us, corrected us and pointed out our mistakes.


But the good news is that just as a world-class athlete or musician repeats a certain sequence of movements many times, both visualizing it and then physically performing them, you are also able to reprogram your behaviors so that when you need to, you can reach the layers of peak self-confidence and charisma to make a presentation. If you don’t know how to do it yet… then this is the workshop just for you!


During the workshop, we will focus on presenting your idea or project to a wider audience in a skilful and (above all) stress-free way.


It very often happens that we work our project or product, we know absolutely everything about it, but the moment we are about to present it – there is either emptiness or full chaos in our head and we do not know what is worth talking about.


We would like you to be fully prepared for the presentation after the workshop: so that you know how to talk about your idea in such a way as to interest the recipient; so that when you go out in front of the audience, you will be fully relaxed and calm when presenting your product and that this is the moment when you will shine with your brightest light


For whom?

  • The workshop is intended for every person who feels that public speaking is not their strongest point. For anyone who at least once in a while has to stand in front of a group of people to tell them something very important for themselves. For those people who finally want to appear in public with peace and confidence.


What will you learn?

  • You will learn to prepare your speech in a way that will interest and captivate the recipient;
  • Learn to go on stage relaxed and calm to present your idea, vision or project;
  • You will learn the key elements necessary for a fruitful public speaking
  • We will show you simple and practical tools to increase self-confidence, thanks to which self-presentation and public speaking will become your natural skill.




Olivia Centre – O4 Coworking
Olivia Four, Venus rooms, Mars (ground floor)


What time?



How do I sign up?

Ticket price: PLN 199

For the O4 community 50% discount
20% discount for Flow Club Members
For Olivia residents, 20% discount

Ask for your code:


Who will lead?



“I am a passionate trainer, effective advisor and project manager. My 15 years of experience in project management, including 3 years spent in China in an international corporation, helped me develop such tools “so that the goal does not remain just wishful thinking”. My mission is to help you discover the unique gift you already have within you and to motivate you to achieve extraordinary goals. I devote every free moment to training related to mental training and personal development. On a daily basis, I deal with project management and I am the leader of a team of planners. From the combination of passion and experience, I create a method of alternative planning, which I use in individual work and during workshops. I adhere to the principle: 80% of success is internal work and 20% is planning and strategy. If you want to see a change in the outer world, first your inner world and subconscious needs to be transformed. Privately, I am a wife and mother. For as long as I can remember, I have been doing sports, I am passionate about contemporary dance and I have been meditating every day for many years.”



I am a certified mental trainer and Access Bars practitioner, manager and project manager, currently associated with the IT industry. A graduate of the University of Gdańsk and SWPS (social psychology). In my work with clients during individual sessions, as well as workshops and group trainings, I focus on improving the quality of life through the use of mental training techniques, knowledge in the field of psychology and many years of experience in working and managing teams. I am constantly developing my skills, reading and looking for new tools, testing their effectiveness on myself. For several years I was associated with the Toastmasters Gdynia club of speakers and leaders, both as a board member and a club member. Privately, I am a wife and mother; an avid allotment gardener, mindfulness tracker, walrus and amateur yogi.





Max. Number of participants
O4 Coworking
Karolina Rymarczyk
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