Meeting with Jacek Bartosiak. Wokół książki “Najlepsze miejsce na świecie”

Date: 26.06.2023
Time: 18:00
34th floor of Olivia Star
Not writable
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

The Provincial and Municipal Public Library im. Joseph Conrad-Korzeniowski in Gdańsk and Olivia Centre invite you to a meeting with Jacek Bartosiak.

Around the book: “The Best Place in the World”
26.06. (Monday) 18:00
Host: Bogusław Wieczorek



About the book:

Jacek Bartosiak’s most personal book.

Does the Polish state currently have a well-thought-out strategy?

What should it look like?

Are we threatened by war?

What about our political elites in the new, much more difficult times?


These are questions that we all – if we want to be conscious citizens – must answer honestly. Jacek Bartosiak explains why the old order has ceased to apply before our eyes and the old tricks that were never to be used again are being used. It describes the rivalry and war that continues, although we are not always aware of it.


The vivid and suggestive style of Jacek Bartosiak’s speech makes his books absorb like a good detective story. And they are read by everyone – specialists, strategists, historians and politicians. Anyone who wants to understand the situation of Polish against the background of changes in international systems. Anyone who wants to ensure Poland’s security for years.


“I have been dealing with geopolitics, security and war for many years. Since February 2022, hostilities have been taking place across Poland’s eastern border, fundamentally changing the world and our region and directly affecting our security. We urgently need a strategy for Polish for the new, very turbulent times. In addition, we need a reflection on the quality of the strategic culture in our country. This is what this book is about – the most personal I have ever written.”

Jacek Bartosiak – expert in the field of geopolitics and geostrategy, founding attorney and owner of Strategy&Future, author of books Rzeczpospolita między lądem a morza, O wojny i pokój, and together with Piotr Zychowicz: World War III is coming. Will America abandon Poland to Russia? and An attack on Ukraine? Did Putin unleash World War III? Director of the War Games and Simulations Program of the Pulaski Foundation; Senior Fellow at The Potomac Foundation in Washington, D.C., co-founder of “Play of Battle”, which deals with the preparation of military simulations; he was an associate of the New Confederacy and the New Generation Warfare Center in Washington, D.C.


Jacek Bartosiak’s blog



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