IDA: amendment to the labour law – remote work

Date: 03.03.2023
Time: 10:00
ARP/ Olivia Six
615 zł - for residents
615 zł - for non-residents

The Pomerania Development Agency invites you to a training: amendment to the labour law – remote work

Remote work has been introduced into the Labour Code. The new regulations will replace the provisions on telework. This is a revolutionary change in the Polish labor market that organizations have to face.

The training is aimed at a comprehensive discussion of issues related to remote work and clarification of any doubts that may arise when using this legal institution in its new version.

Participants of the training will learn, among other things, who and on what terms will be able to use remote work and what are the statutory rights and obligations of the employee and the employer related to remote work.


With the above in mind, we invite you to a 4-hour stationary training entitled: “Amendment to the labor law – remote work”. The training will discuss the legal basis of remote work and the practical aspects of its implementation in the organization.


Addressees of the training:

The training is dedicated to executives, HR employees and other persons responsible for the implementation of legal solutions related to the issue in question.


Training program:

1. Definition of remote work;

2. Remote work rules;

3. Remote work modes;

3. Remote work – new rights and obligations of the parties to the employment relationship;

4. Settlement of remote work time;

5. Remote work and health and safety rules;

6. Accident during remote work.

7. Documentation on remote work in the organization – practical aspects.


Date: 03.03.2023, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


Place: Pomerania Development Agency S.A., al. Grunwaldzka 472 D, Gdańsk – Olivia Business Centre; Olivia Six Building, 12th floor


Price: PLN 500.00 net / PLN 615.00 gross

The price includes teaching materials, personal certificate, coffee buffet.

For those paying for the seminar in at least 70% from public funds, the price is exempt from VAT.






MEC. AGNIESZKA BYTOF – ATTORNEY-AT-LAW – graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in the field of Law. She completed her legal advisor training and after passing the attorney-at-law exam, she was entered on the list of attorneys-at-law kept by the District Chamber of Legal Advisors in Gdańsk under the entry number GD/GD/2641. Founder of a law firm based in Gdańsk, which is a member of the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce. Member of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Gdańsk. Expert of the Team of Experts of the Press Centre of the District Chamber of Legal Advisers in Gdańsk in the field of broadly understood economic law, criminal business law, labour law and personal data protection, as well as alternative methods of conflict and dispute resolution (Alternative Dispute Resolution – ADR), i.e.: mediation and arbitration. Permanent mediator of the National Association of Mediators in civil, commercial and labour law cases. Mediator of the Pomeranian Arbitration and Mediation Centre run by the Pomeranian Regional Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Pomeranian Employers in commercial matters. He has many years of extensive professional experience in providing legal services to Polish and foreign business entities, capital groups and in representing clients before common courts, administrative courts and public administration bodies. She conducts legal audits of companies and creates and implements procedures in the field of commercial law, labor law and personal data protection (GDPR). Lecturer at universities. Speaker at dedicated legal seminars for business. Author of media statements and expert publications in the field of labor law and personal data protection.


Max. Number of participants
Pomerania Development Agency
Pomerania Development Agency
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