HR Club meeting: the labor and investment market in Poland and in the world in 2023

Date: 16.02.2023
Time: 12:00
Building: Star
34th floor
Not writable
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

We invite you to the first one this year
HR Club meeting


This is the 25. HR Club meeting! This time we see each other on the 34th floor of Olivia Star. Experts will talk about trends in the labor market in 2023. They will also present the factors that will shape it in Poland and in the world. The global and domestic investment market, with particular emphasis on Pomerania, will be taken under the microscope. Our workplaces will also be one of the topics discussed.


According to one of the guests of the meeting, there is moderate optimism on the market today. The year 2022 was admittedly weaker than 2021, but much better than previous years. About half of the new market entries are from the service sector, but there are also more and more engineering companies operating on the border of services and production. We are currently one of the most important hubs in this part of the world that deal with financial security – there are more and more specialists in this field in the Tri-City. Marcin Grzegory, Deputy Director at Invest in Pomerania

, will talk about current trends, changes and predictions for 2023.


Marcin Grzegorz – Deputy Director of Invest in Pomerania. He has been associated with the business services sector for many years. Most of his professional life is related to education – both public and private, in Poland and abroad. Practitioner and trainer in the field of sales and promotion. As part of the Invest in Pomerania initiative, he also acts as the Investor Ombudsman.


Aleksandra Trapp from will present global trends and change factors shaping the labor market in 2023.


Aleksandra Trapp

– Head of Culture and Trends at She is a co-author of several reports, “Living Buildings. The Future of Office Buildings by 2050”, “Employee of the Future”, “Digital Nomads”, “Future of Food” or the books “Far Future. The History of Tomorrow”. Her interests focus on the processes that guide human behavior and the analysis of social phenomena, especially those shaping the future reality. At the institute, she for managing the process of data acquisition, analysis, inference and the substantive layer of the projects.


How to organize office space in response to the new needs of employees – this topic will be presented by experienced architects and creators of many office spaces from the Design Anatomy design studio.



NOTE: meeting only for members of the HR Club

Join the HR Club.

The HR Club is an initiative established in Olivia in June 2018.

The partner of the project is the Gdańsk Lodge of BCC.

Max. Number of participants
HR Club
Olivia's HR Club
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