GFKM: The Art of Presentation

Date: 15.03.2023
Time: 08:30
Olivia Gate B, GFKM
1485 zł - for residents
1650 zł - for non-residents

The Gdańsk Foundation for Management Development invites you to the “Art of Presentation” training.



How often your success depends on how you express yourself, what words and arguments you use; On whether you will convince the listeners to your point?

Do you look confident, calm and engaged during presentations or speeches? Or do you rather wonder how you will perform, and stage fright takes away your ability to breathe freely? How often do you end your presentation with almost the last of your strength, and only then analyze how you could have done everything better?

Make public speaking a positive experience for you. Believe that it IS possible. Just like that you effectively achieve your goals during public statements. Because that’s what it’s all about.


Two days

March 15-16


Training methods

The training is a participatory workshop and skills training. Participants will learn useful techniques of preparing for public speeches and consolidate them during exercises recorded with a camera. Each participant receives individual feedback.


For whom?

For those who want to gain freedom of expression, the power of argument, feel good in their body and get rid of limiting fears and stress.
For people who often give presentations, they speak in situations such as meetings, meetings, conferences, discussions.


Benefits for participants

After completing the training, the participant:


  • prepare an inspiring and engaging presentation,
  • prepare interesting slides.
  • build the interest and curiosity of listeners so that they are more willing to follow the message,
  • convince people to your products and services,
  • speak to the audience in such a way as to be convincing.
  • Capture your audience’s attention
  • overcome the objections of the listeners,
  • end the presentation in an interesting way.


Additional information

  • Training participants receive a complete set of materials
  • Class hours: 8:30 – 15:30
  • 23% VAT should be added to the price of the training


Price: 1650 PLN + 23% VAT

Price for Olivia Resident: 1485 PLN + 23% VAT





Max. Number of participants
Jolanta Jagłowska
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