Flow Club: AI in your business. Jak wykorzystać potencjał sztucznej inteligencji?

Date: 14.06.2023
Time: 17:00
Building: Gate A
79 zł - for residents
99 zł - for non-residents

June 14 @ 17:00 20:00


Whatwill happen during the meeting?


Join the workshop where we will discover the secrets of artificial intelligence (AI). This unique event is designed especially for you. Discover how AI can impact your work. No matter what you do, this workshop will provide you with valuable information and skills.


This workshop aims to introduce the fundamentals of artificial intelligence (AI), from its roots to its contemporary application possibilities in various business industries. We will discuss key concepts, technologies, and use cases that can help participants understand how AI can transform their business.


Whether you’re running a tech start-up, retail store, consulting services, or any other business, we’ll teach you how to harness the potential of AI to improve your company’s efficiency and competitiveness. The workshop is designed for beginners, no prior knowledge of AI is required.


Kamil Parafiniuk

Co-founder of Develocraft, responsible for the People & Software area. For 15 years, he has been responsible for the development of sales in two industries: Telco & IT. Experienced in creating strategies, business models, product management. Tireless in observing and analysing dynamic changes in the HR & IT area. Always willing to engage in substantive discussions!

Why is it worth taking part in the workshop?

  • You will understand AI: Artificial intelligence may seem complicated, but we’re going to break it down into simple, understandable pieces. You will learn what AI is, how it works, and its key concepts.
  • You will see AI in action: Through a few specific examples, you will see how AI is applied in different industries. Case studies from the healthcare, finance and marketing sectors will be discussed.
  • You will learn how to use AI tools: We will introduce you to various AI tools that you can apply to your business/life. You will learn how to use them in practice to automate and improve your operations.
  • You will build self-confidence: This workshop is not only about learning – it is also about building self-confidence in the use of new technologies. Regardless of your experience in the field of technology, we want to show you that you are able to understand and use AI in your industry/life.



O4 Coworking, Olivia Centre – Olivia Gate A building
O4 Flow 1st floor


How much does it cost?

Join the Flow Club and take part in the meeting. How do I join the Flow Club? Sign up!


You can also buy a one-time ticket and see if the club is for you.


You are Olivia’s Resident, ask for a discount code. That’s as much as 20%! Write to:
and find out more.








Max. Number of participants
O4 Flow/ O4 Coworking
Karolina Rymarczyk
Email: karolina.rymarczyk@oliviacentre.com
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