Cuban Salsa at Olivia Garden | 10.05

Date: 10.05.2023
Time: 18:00
Olivia Garden
20 zł - for residents
20 zł - for non-residents

Cuban Salsa with Joan Pedroso in Olivia Garden!


If your heart beats faster and faster at the sound of Cuban music, and your legs find their way to the dance floor on their own – it’s high time to learn latino dances. On April 19, Joan Pedroso will appear in Olivia Garden, who will prove that dancing is not difficult! The Cuban will teach us, among other things, energetic salsa. All that matters here is having fun and having a positive attitude – we invite everyone who would like to feel the dance with their whole being!


PS. We don’t need to remind you that the temperature in our tropical garden reaches 30 degrees, do we? Dancing between palm trees, you will feel like you are on the streets of hot Havana! Join us and discover the soul of a Latino dancer in you!


  • When? 19 April, 18:00-21:00
  • Tickets: 20 PLN available at the Olivia Garden box office
  • Reservations:



Max. Number of participants
Olivia Garden
Olivia Garden
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