Business Speed Dating for Women 2

Date: 23.03.2023
Time: 16:30
Olivia Garden
103.20 zł - for residents
129 zł - for non-residents

Business Speed Dating is a networking meeting of a business nature. It is addressed to all women who want to establish new relationships, exchange experiences and find business partners to work with. We want to help you develop your projects and your business in cooperation with others. Business Speed Dating, organized by O4 Coworking and Klub Flow, is a great opportunity to meet new people and potential business partners, and an ideal place to show yourself and your projects to the world. What is more, we will meet among the greenery, in the tropical urban jungle – Olivia Garden in Olivia Centre.

This event is for all women!

The event is addressed to all women, especially those who:

  • They run their own business and are looking for new development opportunities
  • They have started a new business and are looking for business partners
  • They build their personal brand
  • They are looking for inspiration, motivation and an idea for themselves
  • They want to make new business and social acquaintances
  • They would like to spend time in a nice and useful way in a beautiful tropical garden in the largest business center in Gdansk.

Why is it worth participating?

A tropical garden, coffee, dessert and a group of open-minded women who want to get to know you. And all this to establish valuable and long-lasting relationships. What’s more?

  • You will practice the difficult art of self-presentation
  • You will build more self-confidence
  • You will present yourself among the business environment of Olivia Centre
  • You will learn about the experiences of others and confront them with your own
  • You will increase your chances for personal and professional development
  • You will come out with a list of contacts who will help you grow your business and support you in your activities
  • You will motivate and inspire yourself to take the next steps.

About the formula of speed business dating

Speed business dating is a 1-on-1 meeting that will be preceded by a short, one-minute presentation of yourself in the form of a 30-second pitch.
Each 1-on-1 meeting will last 5 minutes (+ 2 minutes for notes and contact exchange).


The end of the 1v1 meeting will be signaled by the bell and the “pair switch” takes place. We expect approx. 20 calls! Do you have the opportunity to talk to many potential clients, business partners, and maybe even potential friends in one day?

How to prepare? Video training on self-presentation

Before the 1-on-1 meetings, you will have a self-presentation training and learn the ELEVATOR PITCH method. You will learn how to present yourself to interest the listener and be remembered – even 30 seconds is enough to interest the interlocutor in what you do.

By signing up for the meeting, you will receive a super video training “MY 30-SECOND PITCH” by e-mail. Training that will help you prepare for conversations, you will learn how to tell about yourself in a few sentences. Before the meeting, you can easily prepare a short, interesting statement about yourself – who you are, what you do and, most importantly, you will define your goal – that is, what you come with and what you want to achieve.

Event plan

  • 4.15 p.m. – entrance to the garden – please arrive on time!
  • 4.30 p.m. – start of the meeting
  • 4.30 p.m. – 4.45 p.m. – welcome networking
  • 4.45 p.m. – 5.15 p.m. – “My 30-second pitch”, i.e. presentations of the participants of the meeting
  • 5.15 p.m. – 5.20 p.m. – organizational break
  • 5.20 p.m. – 7.30 p.m. – talks in the formula of business speed dating
  • 7.30 p.m. – 8.00 p.m. – summary of the meeting, a group photo and farewell networking.
  • 8.00 p.m. – end of the meeting.

What’s included in the ticket?

  • Giftpacks worth PLN 150 for each participant
  • Video training on self-presentation
  • Entrance ticket to Olivia Garden
  • Refreshments: dessert + coffee / tea / water
  • Time to present yourself on the forum among the participants of the meeting
  • A guarantee of making new friends and a chance to implement joint projects
  • Photos and video from the event in beautiful natural surroundings!


For members of
the Flow Club
there is a 20% discount on the event.

For residents of Olivia Centre 20% discount – when buying a ticket, use the code: business20%




Buy your ticket here






Max. Number of participants
O4 Coworking
Karolina Rymarczyk
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