Active Charity. Fundacja Energa i Energa SA zapraszają!

Date: 16.06.2023
Time: 13:00
Athletics stadium behind Olivia Centre
Free - for residents
bezpłatne - for non-residents

June 16 (Friday), at 13:00-15:00


Do you ride a bike? Do you run? Or do you just love walking? Be sure to come to the UG athletics stadium behind the Olivia Centre and join the relay team of Energa SA and the Energa Foundation. Each lap is a real help for children and seniors. It is also a great opportunity to take care of your health. There are many attractions waiting for the participants a free service point for bicycles, a warm-up with Piotr Renkiel and cyclists from Klif Chłapowo, a first aid course, as well as gifts in the form of gadgets.


Already June 16 (Friday), at 13:00-15:00, at the UG athletics stadium behind the Olivia Centre in Gdańsk, the inaugural event of the 10. edition of the “Active Charity” campaign. Our resident, Energa SA and the Energa Foundation invite everyone willing to join us in “twisting” the stadium wheels. The relay can be attended not only by cycling enthusiasts, but also by people who like to run or just walk. So let’s get to work!


Ready! Let’s go! Start!


The struggles of the participants will be supported by cyclists from the Klif Chłapowo sports club, and just before the start, the warm-up will be led by Piotr Renkiel, the coach of the Polish national team in 3×3 basketball.


The relay in Gdańsk will be officially inaugurated by the cyclists. We very much hope that there will be no shortage of people willing to join it. Each two laps of the stadium is one kilometer closer to achieving the set goal. We encourage everyone to actively participate in the campaign. It is a good opportunity for us to integrate, take care of our health and help others at the same time – Explains how Magdalena Pakmur, coordinator of the 10. edition of the “Active Charity” campaign.


The organizers will include the distance covered together during the event in the general pool of the program. Other participants will add on their own.


Two bicycles will be made available at the stadium. However, if possible, we encourage you to use your “two wheels”. Especially since on that day everyone will be able to take advantage of a free inspection of their technical condition – says Rafał Buchalski, coordinator of the campaign.


As part of the service, in addition to consulting the technical condition of the vehicle, the following are provided:


  • adjustment and cleaning of the drive combined with training on how to do it yourself, efficiently and well at home;
  • inflating wheels, replacing inner tubes and checking basic screw connections.


In addition, there will be a first aid training point and an information point on the principles of safe movement on roads – conducted in the form of a quiz with small prizes.


Invite your friends


Every kilometre counts in the campaign. The more people join the program, the greater the chance of covering 350 thousand kilometers and donating PLN 250 thousand to children and seniors.


We hope that the friendly formula of reporting kilometers, from any selected application, will make all participants become friends with our campaign permanently. We plan to visit all the cities where our employees spend their time on a daily basis. We hope that in Ostrołęka, Słupsk, Koszalin, Toruń, Kalisz, Płock, Elbląg and Olsztyn there will be people willing to continue our relay race – say Magdalena Pakmur and Rafał Buchalski. – This joint, group volunteering is also a chance to implement a physical revolution in our private and family life. We strongly encourage everyone to do so.


More about the Active Charity project




Max. Number of participants
Energa Foundation | Energa SA
Energa Foundation
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