Flora Olivia

For everyone who loves greenery
It has been known for centuries that plants have a beneficial effect on our health and well-being. If, like us, you love plants and want to know as much as possible about them so that you can enjoy them for many years, then Flora Olivia is the club for you!

In our Olivia Garden there are several thousand plants from as many as 4 continents, so we simply felt that a series of meetings with an expert about flowers (potted and not only), about the cultivation of exotic plants and the proper care of everything that is alive, green, in the garden or on the windowsill THAT WILL BE IT!
The Olivia Flora Club gathers plant lovers. We save orchids, plant tulips, plant flowers for Olivia, take care of the greenery in our offices and homes. If you want to share this passion with us, join us.

Olivia Garden - a place where you can take a deep breath
At maximum occupancy of the garden, there are as many as 30 plants per person; 15 times more than in residential conditions

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This is interesting...

80% of plant species in Olivia Garden are the ones that have the greatest impact on air purity (according to the NASA report)
Even passively observing greenery gives health benefits, as it reduces stress (after "Health & Place")
Urban green spaces improve air quality, reduce noise levels, lower temperature (according to WHO)
Leaves and other parts of plants They act as natural filters to trap allergens and other particles in the air
We planted these beautiful tulips on the terrace of Olivia Sky Club
They are pleasing to the eye in spring

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